Thomas J. R. Marthinsen
Norwegian programme

No man is an island
Jørgen Watne Frydnes

How to speak out
Norwegian Youth Forum for Freedom of Expression

Poisonous conspiracies
Øyvind Strømmen

How to reduce your carbon footprint
Anja Bakken Riise

Secret life in the city
Hanna Bjørgaas

269 days of rain
Roald Kaldestad, Roy Ole Førland

Volcanoes and dinosaurs
Reidar Müller, Sigbjørn Lilleeng

Call to change dusty attitudes
Tinashe Williamson

Opening of LitFestBergen 2022 (sold out)
Stig Holmås, Britta B, Pedro Carmona-Alvarez, Christine Sandtorv, Jon Fosse, Teresa Grøtan, Odin Adelsten Aunan Bohmann.

Dance recital: Dust II (sold out)
Marit Loe Bjørnstad, Tora de Zwart Rørholt, Eivind Riise Hauge, Borghild Rudjord Unneland

Mother tongue and metaphor. A conversation on language and literature in three different countries
Selma M. Yonus, Fatemeh Ekhtesari, Abduweli Ayup, Hege Newth

Without guilt
Abid Raja, Kristin Skare Orgeret

Stories in song before and after Dust Bowl Ballads
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez, John Erik Riley, Kaja Schjerven Mollerin

Dust from a culture in dissolution
Vanessa Springora, Sandra Lillebø

Dusting off philosophy: Søren Kierkegaard
Vigdis Hjorth, Einar Duenger Bøhn

In-depth conversation with Jan Kjærstad
Jan Kjærstad, Kaja Schjerven Mollerin

Star hunt among the crystals
Jon Larsen

City walk: Torborg Nedreaas [sold out]
Jo Gjerstad, Grethe Fatima Syéd

Dusting off a classic – Gro Holm: De hvite kull
Eirik Vassenden

Sustainable literature production
Anne Karin Sæther, Pedro Carmona-Alvarez, Henning Bergsvåg

Winner meeting
Niviaq Korneliussen, Heidi Bøhagen

Overcoming your climate anxiety
Bjørn Samset, Anja Bakken Riise, Anne Karin Sæther

From fire to ashes
Madame Nielsen, Ida Lødemel Tvedt

Forgotten memories (sold out)
Linn Ullmann, Finn Skårderud

Forgotten memories – ticket to live stream
Linn Ullmann, Finn Skårderud

Who’s telling the truth? On credibility in criminal cases
Line Norman Hjorth, Bjørn Olav Jahr, Eirin Eikefjord

Poetic punk gala
Eira Søyseth, Kathleen Jamie, Britta B., Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Selma M. Yonus, Nils-Øivind Haagensen, Stig Holmås

Looking for stardust in a haystack
Jon Larsen, Kari Slaatsveen

How to build fictional characters
Marit Eikemo, Jan Kjærstad, Jan H. Landro

Dusting off a classic – Jean Rhys
Grethe Fatima Syéd

The world on Saturday
Randi Rønning Balsvik, Kai Eide, Cecilie Hellestveit, Tomm Kristiansen

Lecture: Philosophy in Norwegian
Einar Duenger Bøhn

Literary pollination
Vigdis Hjorth, Erlend O. Nødtvedt, Margunn Vikingstad

Translation in the spotlight
Nina Lykke, Karolina Drozdowska, Eirik Bø

New voices from the academy
Students from Skrivekunstakademiet in Bergen.

From body to dust
Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Kari Slaatsveen

Norwegian poetry slam championship [sold out]
Finalists from Tromsø, Trondheim, Bergen, Oslo, Østfold and Innlandet, with Heidi Marie Vestrheim

Ask the author
Nina Lykke, Erlend O. Nødtvedt, Frode Helmich Pedersen

Translation winners converse
Geir Pollen, Tove Bakke, Margunn Vikingstad.

Around the world in 80 minutes
Gunnar M. Sørbø, Ina Strøm, Geir Pollen, Chris Tvedt.

With chalk dust on their hands: women and strength training
Sara Martinsson, Sandra Lillebø

Prose lounge: For dust thou art?
Kari Veiteberg, Grethe Fatima Syéd
Closing performance
Jon Fosse, Øyvind Vågnes

Overcoming your climate anxiety – ticket to live stream
Bjørn Samset, Anja Bakken Riise, Anne Karin Sæther

Literary pollination – ticket to livestream
Vigdis Hjorth, Erlend O. Nødtvedt, Margunn Vikingstad

Winner meeting – ticket to live stream
Niviaq Korneliussen, Heidi Bøhagen

Why we need philosophy
Einar Duenger Bøhn

Sangria in the park
Nils Øyvind Haagensen

The fraternity
Anne Bitsch

PEN postcard campaign and festival café
Send a greeting to authors, journalists and bloggers who have been imprisoned or are being threatened and persecuted worldwide.

PEN postcard campaign and festival café
Send a greeting to authors, journalists and bloggers who have been imprisoned or are being threatened and persecuted worldwide.

PEN postcard campaign and festival café
Send a greeting to authors, journalists and bloggers who have been imprisoned or are being threatened and persecuted worldwide.

PEN postcard campaign and festival café
Send a greeting to authors, journalists and bloggers who have been imprisoned or are being threatened and persecuted worldwide.