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Essay og dikt 2025

Bjørgvin I

Dikt av "Pelle", skrive under LitFestBergen sitt samarbeid med Bjørgvin og Bergen fengsel.

Bjørgvin II

Dikt av "Pelle", skrive under LitFestBergen sitt samarbeid med Bjørgvin og Bergen fengsel.



Dikt av "GH", skrive under LitFestBergen sitt samarbeid med Bjørgvin og Bergen fengsel.


Spillrornas år

Essay av Johannes Anyuru. I samarbeid med det litterære tidsskriftet Vinduet. 

2024 - Klimakonkurranse vinnere

Carissa Coane

Carissa Coane: vinner, dikt

Carissa is a college student born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She has been writing poems in her head for years and finally started putting them to paper last fall. She is passionate about spreading awareness of climate anxiety and the disproportionate effects the climate crisis has on women’s health.  Her winning entry is titled Haemorrhage.

Andrea Yang

Andrea Yang: andreplass, dikt

Andrea Yang is a Taiwanese-American writer from Arizona. She graduated from Arizona State University in 2022 with a degree in English Literature. Andrea is currently working on a screenplay and hopes to publish a novel one day. In her writing, she hopes to explore the ways in which people interact with and create change in their environments. She has published poetry through the Tempe Public Library and translation through Arizona State University's Thousand Languages Program. Her entry is titled Bioluminescence.




Maya Teiman: vinner, essay

Maya Teiman, 22, originally from São Paulo, Brazil, is an environmental economics student at Middlebury College, USA. She passionately explores the intersection of energy transition and community impact through her written and professional work. Having worked on projects with communities from the Amazon in Brazil to rural India, Maya aims for a diversity of global stories in her climate writing. With aspirations to contribute to the energy transition in a way that respects local communities, she has always cherished storytelling and hopes to inspire change through her written work. Her winning entry is titled The Turbines.

Udochukwu Chidera: andreplass, essay

Udochukwu Chidera also known as Chidera is a Nigerian writer and pharmacist of Igbo ancestry. She is the inaugural winner of the 2023 monthly writing contest for the Hilltop Creative Arts Foundation, Lagos chapter. She has won several writing contests including the 2022 Movement of the People Poetry Contest, the 2022 Shuzia Songs of Zion Poetry Contest and the 2022 Shuzia Prose Contest.She is a contributor to various journals and magazines including IHRAF Thorn, Tears, and Treachery Anthology for the Sudanese War and 2022 Chinua Achebe Poetry/Essay Anthology. Her entry is titled Cry me a river.


Øyvind Vågnes: Stjernestøvet, då og no

På LitFestBergen 2022 markerte vi 50-årsjubileet til David Bowie sitt album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, ved å spele plata frå start til slutt. Øyvind Vågnes heldt ei innleiing som du kan lese her.


Julia Martinčič: Skin

Julia Martinčič er vinnar av vår internasjonale essaykonkurranse. Her kan du lese essayet Skin.

Elijah Koome: Generation M

Elijah Koome var ein av to finalistar i vår internasjonale essaykonkurranse. Her kan du lese essayet Generation M.

Malumi Adeboye: My Generation

Malumi Adeboye var ein av to finalistar i vår internasjonale essaykonkurranse. Her kan du lese essayet My Generation.


A blank page. A dark stage

Festival author and dancer Tishani Doshi on the fearlessness required in both writing and dancing.

Dikt av Niillas Holmberg

Les to av dikta frå Niillas Holmberg si Nordisk råds pris nominerte samling Juolgevuođđu.


Imagining the ordinary

"The novel The Cry of Winnie Mandela by Njabulo S Ndebele explores the meaning of South Africa itself", skriv førsteamanuensis Tonje Vold.

1994: Eit kjærleiksdikt

Du forstår ikkje faenskap før du er blitt elska som Mandela. Les heile diktet av Koleka Putuma her. 


"I had read popular fiction and not Dostoevsky for a reason: to protect my unique genius." Les Gunnhild Øyehaug sin humoristiske tekst.  

Gutten min

Han kunne ha gått for å være en Amor hvis det bare ikke hadde vært for disse lange sokkene. Utdrag frå ei bok av Maria Stepanova.

Occupation domesticated

"Everyday returns after violence like the rain after droughts", skriv dei Ramallah-baserte forfattarane Raja Shehadeh og Penny Johnson i dette dialog-essayet.


"Før gikk galningene her". Les diktet frå samarbeidet mellom LitFestBergen og Bjørgvin fengsel.


Mer, Mer, Mère

The sea is my life, our life, the mother's breast of all living things, writes author Yann Queffélec.

Living in a Society of Fear

There are so many things you can do wrong. Essay by Heinz Bude, sociologist and author.

Alisa Ganieva og russisk historieforståelse

Mens ideologi og propaganda under sovjettiden rettet seg mot fremtiden og mot drømmen om sosialismens endelige seier, er det nå den ærerike fortiden som inntar rollen som symbolsk kapital hos makthaverne.

The Cartographer and the Rastaman

Where is “arguably the most vigorous and exciting body of poetry in our time” being written? According to Stewart Brown and Mark McWatt, the answer is the Caribbean.

Ei nasjonslaus skrift

Les Inger Bråtveits essay om Dubravka Ugrešić.

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