Date: 12.02.2023
Time: 13:00 - 13:45
Location: Olav H. Hauge
Price: 190/80 (student)
Infuriatingly good rhetoric in Bergen
The Bergenser Frank Aarebrot believed there is no limit to what a Bergenser (inhabitant of Bergen) can argue over. Historian and Bergenser Morten Hammerborg has written the scholarly book Bergenseren about what makes a Bergenser a Bergenser. The author and Bergenser Alfred Fidjestøl published a book in the autumn about the Bergenser Georg Johannesen – a man who was always full of love as well as contempt for Bergen. Critic and Bergenser Preben Jordal discusses with Hammerborg and Fidjestøl what makes a Bergenser a Bergenser and particularly what Bergen rhetoric really is.
The event will be in Norwegian.