Date: 09.02.2023
Time: 19:00 - 19:45
Location: Alver
Price: 190/80 (student)
Furious Father
Martin Eia-Revheim grew up with a violent and alcoholic father. In the spring of 2022, the book Å sette sammen bitene (Putting the pieces together) was published. In it Eia-Revheim goes into several incidents and writes about how they have affected him.
Clemen Saers, a teacher who was attacked and nearly killed by a pupil at his workplace, has written the book Lærer på liv og død (Teacher for life and death) in collaboration with the author Knut Lindh. In the first part of the book, he talks about growing up as one of fourteen children who had to deal with his violent and aggressive father.
Martin Eia-Revheim and Clemen Saers have both had successful careers and started their own families. How have their experiences growing up with a violent father affected them? They meet in conversation and reflection on violence and fathers and sons with the journalist Kjersti Mjør.
The event will be in Norwegian.