Date: 12.02.2021
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Location: Youtube
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Personal Journeys
Presented by Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires (FILBA)
A traditional activity in the Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires (Filba) is the personal journeys where geographical routes meet narrative ones. Argentine authors Mercedes Halfon, Mariano Quirós and Juan Ignacio Pisano have been invited to reflect on their daily or not so daily journeys – whether tied to their childhoods, their memories, or simply to a tour through the city which they enjoy – and to write about these. The aim is to avoid commonplace or stereotypical pathways, so that the truly personal arises. Each reading will be accompanied by a video of the journey. Attention will focus on three different neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires, as seen through the eyes of three young writers.
LOCAL HOST: Amalia Sanz