Date: 09.02.2024
Time: 19:15 - 20:00
Location: Auditoriet
Price: 290/160 (student)
Sold out. A Time for Knausgård
In the Morning Star series Karl Ove Knausgård examines amongst other things evil, death and eternal life. In Bergen people are being killed in the vilest ways, and then people stop dying altogether. In the fourth and latest, The Night School, the art student Kristian is the protagonist. He is an unpleasant, self-centred man whom we first encounter at a photography school in London in the eighties. How far is he willing to go to achieve his artistic dream? Quite a long way, it seems.
We meet Karl Ove Knausgård in conversation with Karin Haugen, commentator and former editor of Bokmagasinet – a book review magazine in the newspaper Klassekampen.They will talk about good and evil, literary dreams and about Bergen, where Knausgård himself lived and studied as an ambitious young man in the nineties.
The conversation will be simultaneously translated into English.