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Shazia Majid

Shazia Majid (b 1974, Norway) is a Norwegian author, journalist and economist, and works as a journalist and commentator at VG. 

She has degrees in business administration from the BI Norwegian Business School, and journalism from the Oslo and Akershus University College. In 2020, she received the Skup Prize with Anne Stine Sæter, Eirik Mosveen and Sofie Amalie Hoff Fraser for Helsereformens konsekvenser

Her literary debut was in 2019 with Ut av skyggene – Den lange veien mot likestilling for innvandrerkvinner, which won her that year’s Booksellers Non-Fiction Prize. The book was also nominated for the Brage Prize and the Literary Critics Prize for best non-fiction in 2019. Majid has been a vocal participant in the social debate for many years. 

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