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Hilde Danielsen

Hilde Danielsen (b 1971, Norway) is a social scientist at the Norwegian Research Centre (Norce) in Bergen, and received a PhD in cultural studies from the University of Bergen in 2006. 

Danielsen has a general interest in the conditions for participation, community and change, social inequality, diversity and processes involved in inclusion and exclusion. She has published several books on women’s lives, including Husmorhistorier about housewives in the 1950s. Danielsen was also one of the authors of Norsk likestillingshistorie 1814–2013, and editor of Da det personlige ble politisk about the woman’s movement in Norway during the 1970s.

She has studied how people live together in a diversified Norway, including birthday celebrations, parenthood and social inequalities in schools and neighbourhoods, and is now working on child poverty. 

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