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Tor-Håkon Gabriel Håvardsen

Tor-Håkon Gabriel Håvardsen (b 1986, Norway) is an author and musician currently working as a funeral consultant in Melbu, Vesterålen.

In 2019 he published the book En seksti under: Alt om dødsfall, likhenting, forråtnelse og en begravelsesagents liv (One sixty under: Everything about death, body collection, putrefaction and a funeral director’s life) and in 2023 came Post mortem: Med begravelsesagenten på åstedet (Post mortem: with the funeral director on the crime scene).

He also uses Instagram and TikTok as communication channels to create greater openness about death. Håvardsen has also written thrillers, including the series Mordene i Viktoriahavn (The Murders in Viktoriahavn).

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