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Transfer forlag/Hanne Kjersti S. Iversen

Date: 12.02.2021

Time: 09:00 - 09:45

Location: Alver

Poet who will not be silenced

Reading and writing poetry are commonplace activities in Iran. But you can also be killed for publishing the poems you write. Fatemeh Ekhtesari is an Iranian poet, artist and midwife from Teheran. She is well known to young people in her homeland from social media for writing about women’s rights – and for having dressed as a boy to attend a football match, something only men are allowed to do. After being imprisoned and tortured several times, she was condemned again to 11.5 years in prison and 99 lashes. She fled, and has lived since 2017 in Lillehammer. Her first collection of poems translated to Norwegian appeared in 2020. 

Topical book: Vi overlever ikke (Transfer, 2020)

The event will be repeated at 10.00 in Auditoriet.

Both events are for invited lower secondary school pupils only (the events will be streamed). 

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