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Lappalaisia Pariisissa. Utstillingsgruppe fra Karasjok og Kautokeino, trolig i Paris 1879. Kilde: Nasjonalmuseet Finland

Date: 07.02.2020

Time: 15:45 - 16:15

Location: Auditoriet

Price: 100

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Lectures of the day: People on parade

Putting “exotic” ethnic groups on show was an established practice in Europe during the 19th century. In På ville veger?, researcher Cathrine Baglo writes about how this fate also befell Norway’s Sami.

How was that experienced by those affected? With her book as the starting point, Baglo talks in this lecture about “exoticising” and normality, and that there are more sides to the story than those which might seem the most obvious.

In Norwegian.

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